Sunday, July 24, 2011

Summer Blues

Ok, so I'm trying to discipline myself. Not in the kinky way, no. I mean discipline myself to doing certain things every day.

My parents didn't exactly expect me to do my bed every morning (ok, so that wasn't really an expectation at all) or take care of dishes or anything. I wasn't spoiled by any means, but they figured if I wasn't going to follow in their footsteps all I could focus on was school. At least that's how I remember it.

I guess I helped my mom in the kitchen here and there, but my self-discipline isn't exactly oozing out of my pores if you know what I'm saying. Yes, I'm saying that I'm lazy. Everyone is allowed a day here or there to be lazy but I think I'm taking it to extremes here.

Things I have to do (in no particular order):
  • Laundry-related items (washing, drying, folding, PUTTING AWAY - it's a puzzle to me why putting away laundry is where things break down for me.)
  • Helping my boyfriend out with his resume.
  • Organizing recipes into a binder for me to more easily use.
  • Separating out things that are supposed to go to school in a box so I can take them to school tomorrow.
  • Organizing my financial files (bills, statements, etc.).
  • Organizing my purse.
I bet you've noticed by now that a lot of these items have to do with organizing my space. It's not for lack of things to do/organize but I'm just feeling lazy. Maybe putting this list out into cyber-space will make it so that I am more inclined to do it. Maybe. Hopefully I'll be reminded to come back later and update :).

Hasta luego,
- V.

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