Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Kitty Planning

It looks like we're getting a kitten.

Yesterday we ate at Jason's Deli just for the heck of it. He got home from work at 1 pm and we ate this labor intensive meal I prepared for us, then we both took naps for about 3 hours (so unhealthy...). When I woke up he was already at his computer working on some stuff.

We talked for a bit about this and that. Then, when we were both hungry, we decided to go to Jason's Deli. We were going to take a walk around campus and on a whim just decided to take a quick walk into PetCo, a few doors down from Jason's Deli.

There was no sign outside saying that there would be cats up for adoption that day or anything. No dogs outside (usually a clear sign that there will be cats inside too) or anything. So we walk through the automatic door and see the most adorable shorthaired calico cat.

Guess what? We both want a calico cat.

Well, we fell in love (especially when we saw it go to the bathroom and cover up its own business! litter trained cat = awesome) and looked at the cat products they had. We would need to do a major overhaul on the apartment in order to justify having a cat. I said I would clean the apartment and make it kitty-proof. There are a few things that do not mesh with our lifestyle and kitty ownership at this moment in time.

We intend to move to a new apartment complex within 2 months. We are getting married next month. I will be starting a new job in mid-August and be commuting a bit. These things made us antsy.

Instead of buying the kitten of our dreams right then and there, we decided to wait a bit. He has had cats before. His family has gone through a few cats (do not ask me why they died or disappeared, I do not know and it is kind of a scary thought when I think about it...) and he is the resident cat expert. So I asked him to buy me "Kittens for Dummies" while we were at PetCo so I could learn all about raising a kitten.

We have learned a lot of stuff already. I read aloud 2 whole chapters before we went to bed last night and I am already reading chapter 9 of the book. Turns out his family has not exactly been the most well-read of all cat owners. For instance, you are not supposed to give kittens regular milk because it could cause them to make a bigger stink in their litter box. Turns out his family gave the most current cat, Squiggles, milk when he was growing up. Not a majorly bad thing but this cat in particular had quite a septic system growing up, as he (my fiance) tells me.

Either way, we did not buy the cat then and there. We are going to try to get our new apartment next month, instead of in August, so we can start moving things over and get the kitten faster. I told him, we had better decide on a kitten instead of a cat - otherwise I would have to read a whole new book. I do not mind reading about kittens, or cats for that matter (what do kittens grow into?) because it makes me feel as though I am doing something for our new pet/member of the family. This is the first step in the right direction, for us, in terms of family planning (I think).

We have to read up on things and research the situation. Prepare the environment to accomodate the new arrival. It really feels as though we are becoming parents, of the feline variety. I have never owned a cat, or a pet with fur for that matter, because my dad is allergic to pet dander. But have always wanted to have one. This is the perfect opportunity, him being a seasoned cat owner and me being eager to learn.

Well, I must get going so that I can clean the apartment a bit and possibly throw away some clutter. I want to go through as much paper as possible so that we can have an easier move. We are going to move, kitty or no kitty, so it will be interesting to see how we adjust. The new apartment complex has more cabinet space - which is very good because we got a whole bunch of cups, glasses, plates, & china at the showers. I am very excited about the new apartment because I am honestly a little scared at this apartment complex, most of the time. It is right by the highway and hospital, so we hear noises all night long, and the neighbors are not exactly the most friendlist of people. But alas, that is a blog for another day.

Do you have any pets? When did you get your first pet? What kind of pet was it? I am becoming a pet-fanatic now... this could be good/bad.


Alice said...

My cats (kittens at the time) just showed up on the doorstep so I didn't have time to read anything. Amazingly, they adjusted well; it appears that cats are naturally litter-trained.

Be prepared for cat hair everywhere, though. It takes longer to vacuum. Other than that, cats are low-maintenance pets and you will have lots of fun with them.

Anonymous said...

So jealous! I want a kitty!