Thursday, June 22, 2006


In order to get the kitty we want, I have to dig up the apartment lease and find out how much the pet deposit is. If I do not find the apartment lease, we have to wait until we move apartments (probably next month!), but I don't really want to wait that long.

The problem is: the apartment lease is buried somewhere in a pile of papers in the bedroom.

I have been cleaning in the bedroom and the dust is really starting to get to me. I have been sneezing like crazy and I really think that he hood-winked me so I would clean the top of the dresser in the bedroom.

I've found unopened mail from May of 2005...

We did already buy the litter box, a litter mat and some Rescue Remedy that is supposed to help calm the cat down when they get antsy. We are still choosing what food we want to get the cat, probably Iams, and the litter, probably corn or wheat litter because it clumps and is not dusty.

I have some allergies, mostly to dust, but they aren't easily aggitated most of the time and I can walk away, come back and feel better. I do not think the cat will make it worse because his parents have a cat with long fur that does not aggitate my allergies. But who knows, comtrex may be in my future...

Currently listening to: Mad World by Gary Jules. Lyrics can be found here, or just google it. I like the music and the lyrics are... truthful.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Did you buy a regular litter box? I would strongly recommend buying a self-cleaning kind. Also, buy a fresh flow water fountain -- cats need lots of fresh water.